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Last Name:
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Home Address 2:
Home City:
Home State:
Home Zip5:
Work Address 1:
Work Address 2:
Work City:
Work State:
Work Zip5:
Personal Email:
Work Email:
Source ID:
Mobile Number:
Home Number:
1. What year did the Inaugural Congressional Baseball Game between Republicans and Democrats take place?
2. What year was Illinois’ current Constitution adopted?
3. Which IAA President was the first, and to date, only person to succeed automatically to the office of President without election?
Do you have any supporting documents to submit?

If yes, please upload your documents:

​ For a complete list of former IAA Presidents visit our Hall of Fame page.

  • ACTIVATOR only makes endorsements for Illinois-based candidates for U.S. House, IL House & IL Senate. We do not make endorsements for candidates seeking statewide office.

  • ACTIVATOR was created in 1985 to implement the political activities of members who wish to participate in the political arena.

  • Incumbent legislators must receive a 60% or higher voting record with IFB AND a 2/3 vote from the Trustee Committee to receive the Friend of Agriculture award.

  • County Farm Bureau Presidents are responsible for making appointments to ACTIVATOR Trustee Committees.

  • The ACTIVATOR Executive Committee is comprised of 5 IAA Board members and 5 county Farm Bureau Presidents.

  • ACTIVATOR only solicits and accepts contributions from members of Illinois Farm Bureau.

  • Last election cycle, ACTIVATOR endorsed 47 candidates for IL House, 19 candidates for IL Senate and 8 candidates for U.S. House.

  • Between 2019-2020 ACTIVATOR spent $130,000 amongst 74 candidates.

  • The average donation to ACTIVATOR is $6.50.

  • 65,000 contributions were made to ACTIVATOR between 2019-2020.

  • 93% of ACTIVATOR candidates won their election during the 2020 election cycle.

  • ACTIVATOR is comprised of two separate political involvement funds to implement political activities on both the state and federal levels.

  • The purpose of ACTIVATOR is to promote the economic and social well-being of farmers, rural families and agricultural related interests in the State of Illinois, through political involvement. To promote the personal and financial involvement of farmers in the electoral process, without regard to party affiliation. And to encourage good government which is responsive to the needs of all citizens in Illinois.
